Where We Work

We work in venues all over the Charlotte-Mecklenburg  Region, and of course, if you need highly skilled stage hands, we'll come to you!


Our Venues:


Blumenthal Performing Arts Center

Knight Theater

Ovens Auditorium

Bojangles Coliseum

Spectrum Center

Uptown Amphitheater

PNC Music Pavillion

Charlotte Convention Center

Opera Carolina

Charlotte Ballet

Paragon Productions

Wild West Lighting

And anywhere else you may need us.

Parking maps

Belk Theater & Booth Playhouse entrance & parking


Knight Theater entrance & parking

Opera Carolina Scene Shop

1820 Spencer Mountain Road

Gastonia, NC


PNC Pavillion. Use VIP entrance for stagehand parking. Follow map directions to loading dock.

Uptown Amphitheater. Park in paved lot behind AvidExchange building and enter amphitheater through the Fillmore loading dock.

Spectrum Center. Enter through loading dock on N. Caldwell between Trade and Fifth Street. There is NO FREE PARKING. Park in a surface lot or deck nearby. Price is usually $7-15. 

Ovens Auditorium and Bojangles Coliseum. Park in lot behind buildings. Tell attendants you are a stagehand. 

BPA Venues

Belk Theater 

130 North Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28202


Crew Room Phone: 704-379-1302


Payroll: BPA New Hire Packet Available under New Hire Tab.


Parking: Green Center Parking Deck 350 E. 6th St. Charlotte, NC 28202


House Crew:

Steward Williams, Paul

Head Electrician Brennan, Hank           Asst. Electrician Head Burnett, Keith

Head Audio Edwards, Crystal                 Asst. Audio Head Weant, Rich

Lead Flyman Boulder, Jesse                    2nd Flyman MacLellan, Steve

Head Carpenter Ferguson, Wilbert       Head Props Burchett, Dean

Head Wardrobe Nickerson, Alison


Booth Playhouse

130 North Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28202


Payroll: BPA New Hire Packet Available under New Hire Tab.


Parking: Green Center Parking Deck 350 E. 6th St. Charlotte, NC 28202130 North Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28202


Stage Door Theater

130 North Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28202


Payroll: BPA New Hire Packet Available under New Hire Tab.


Parking: Green Center Parking Deck 350 E. 6th St. Charlotte, NC 28202130 North Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28202



Knight Theater

430 S. Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28202


Crew Room Phone: 704-247-2431


Payroll: BPA New Hire Packet Available under New Hire Tab.

Parking: 401 S. Tryon St. Charlotte, Nc 28202
BRING YOUR TICKET TO THE KNIGHT THEATER. You will have to buy a validation sticker. Cash only
House Crew:
Steward  Show, Mark
Head Electrician    Casey, Latisha            Asst. Electrician Head     Brogdan, Brandy
Head Audio    Mack, Lorenzo                   Asst. Audio Head      Clark, Ryan
Lead Flyman    Show, Mark                      2nd Flyman    Dorcy, Brian
Head Carpenter  Smith, Gerald               Head Props    Graves, Jay
Head Wardrobe    Floyd, Brenda





CRVA Venues

Ovens Auditorium

2700 E. Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28205


Crew Phone: 704-335-3156


Payroll: AER, Inc. Packet available on the New Hire Section of our website. 


Parking: Available behind the building in the large parking lot.


House Crew:

Steward    Taylor, Anne

Head Electrician     Burnett, Keith                                      Asst. Carpenter Head Hickman, Brandon

Head Audio             Bost, Buddy, Weant, Rich                  Lead Flyman    Open

Head Carpenter     Gaige, Tara                                            Head Props     Open


Bojangles Coliseum

2700 E. Independence Blvd.


Payroll: AER, Inc. Packet available on the New Hire section of our website.


Parking: Available behind the building in the large parking lot.


House Crew:

Steward: Grier, Bruce

Head Audio: Bost, Buddy   Head Electrician: Emory, Jeff

Lead Riggers: Raynard, Randy, Boone, Bill, Gedwellas, Matt, Tringas, John


Spectrum Center

333 E. Trade St. Charlotte, Nc 28202


Payroll: AER, Inc. Packet available on the New Hire Section of our website. 

Parking: On your own at the various lots and parking decks around the facility.
House Crew:
Head Electrician Woodey, JP
Lead Riggers: Raynard, Randy



Live Nation Venues

PNC Music Pavilion                           


707 Pavilion Blvd Charlotte, NC 28262


Payroll: Live Nation Worldwide. New Hire Packet is available under the new hire section of our website.


Parking: Stagehand lot near VIP parking





Uptown Amphitheater                          

1000 NC Music Factory Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28206


Payroll: Live Nation Worldwide. New Hire Packet is available under the new hire section of our website.


Parking: In lot across from Fillmore entrance. Park and enter through the Fillmore venue. 






Stewards Contact Info

Howard, Bo                                                                                       704-641-2351 

Taylor, Anne                                                                                      704-537-8329  

Taylor, Craig                                                                                         704-575-3540

Williams, Paul                                                                                   704-806-2921

Grier, Bruce                                                                                       704-618-2987

Hart, Ken                                                                                            980-322-6110

Clark, Ryan                                                                                         704-564-5078

Mark Show                                                                                         704-519-5933

Dean Burchett                                                                                   704-258-3024

Matt Gedwellas                                                                                 847-804-7622

John P Woodey                                                                                  202-257-4645

Gerald Smith                                                                                         704-273-0090